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1 min read
Get Your Retro Injection T-Shirt, Featuring Our New Mascot, Rewind!
Retro Injection presents our original t-shirt, featuring Rewind, the blog's official spokestape. Love physical media ? Miss video stores...

6 min read
"Little Shop of Horrors" (1986) Review: Musicals that Aren't Lame, Vol. 2!
When I bought 1986's Little Shop of Horrors on DVD at Wal-Mart, Dave the cashier commented, "Great movie." He's not wrong. Little Shop...

14 min read
Our Interview with Special Effects Guru Steve Johnson, Creator of Slimer
The Retro Injection crew is excited to bring you this interview with the legendary Steve Johnson. Mr. Johnson provided special effects...

3 min read
My Neo-Geo Collection Revealed!
In 1990, Japanese arcade game manufacturer SNK rocked the industry with the release of its Neo-Geo MVS (Multi-Video System). Co-developed...

1 min read
Video Interview with Richard Edlund, Visual Effects Artist and Founder of Boss Film Studios
Retro Injection is thrilled to feature this video interview with visual effects legend Richard Edlund, a founding member of Industrial...

8 min read
Exclusive Interview: Makeup and Special Effects Artist Rob Burman
I'd like to introduce you to Rob Burman. You've likely seen his work. With hundreds of Hollywood films to his credit, Mr. Burman's...

4 min read
Dollar Tree DVD Find: "The Best of COPS" Cartoon (AKA "CyberCOPS")
COPS isn't the first '80s cartoon that comes to mind for most people, but I have fond memories of watching it during the early '90s at my...

2 min read
Hoss's 40th Anniversary Celebrates Steak and Sea Since '83.
Hoss's Steak and Sea House, a dining staple of Pennsylvania, is celebrating its 40th anniversary in true retro style. Stopping at Hoss's...

4 min read
Anime on VHS: "Fatal Fury the Motion Picture" Review
Fatal Fury the Motion Picture is a 1994 anime featuring beloved video game characters embroiled in martial arts, international intrigue...
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