I hope you got the Steven Hawking joke.
This video chronicles the legacy of our local Time-Out arcade:

These game rooms were at one time a nationwide chain, founded by the same guy who invented Turkish Taffy. I grew up in this exact arcade, and ended up working there for over six years. Since this video was published in 2010, the store went through a remodel and is now called "Bonus Round." It will always be Time-Out to me. I have such strong sentiment for the arcade that I sport one of its classic logos on my 2014 Kymco Like 200i LX scooter:

I've also patterned my home arcade after Time-Out, using the same paint scheme, carpet pattern and signage!

The following is my promised documentary of the arcade. In the immortal words of Nicki Minaj: "Check it out!"
This may be the only blog post ever to reference both Nicki Minaj and Steven Hawking.