I'd just wrapped up grappling with a nasty phantasm at the local library, and was grateful for some downtime. It was one of those moments when a caffeine injection was in order: I still had to go across town to trap a couple of Class Fours at the YWCA! I decided it was the perfect chance to break out my new "Hot Cocoa & Marshmallows" mug, from NerdMug.com. Specializing in mugs with '80s movie themes, NerdMug hooked me up with one of the coolest pieces of drinkware I've ever seen. It was made to order, and arrived at the firehouse encased in a dense foam box. (Although not as dense as Slimer.) I figured it couldn't hurt to take my new mug out on calls.

Nerds are the new cool kids. If you're looking to proclaim your '80s movie fandom, NerdMug.com has you covered with designs from Labyrinth, National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation, Spaceballs, The Goonies and more!
And after a hard day of putting wayward spirits in their place, there's nothing like binging on movies and pouring a NerdMug of The Real Ghostbusters cereal.
